Thursday, April 30, 2020

Corona Busted! It's a hoax folks!

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Corona Busted! It’s a hoax folks!
Plot: A Simple self-evident proof that this was all an elaborate lie!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Succession of Emperors from the Ecclesiastical History of the Church


  1. Caesar Augustus
  2. Tiberius
  3. Caius Caesar Caligula
  4. Claudius
  5. Tiberias Claudius Nero
  6. Galba and Otho
  7. Vitellius
  8. Vespacian
  9. Titus
  10. Domitian
  11. Nerva
  12. Trajan
  13. Aelius Hadrian / Adrian
  14. Antoninus Pius
  15. Marcus Aerelius Antoninus
  16. Commodus
  17. A Caracalla and Geta
  18. Alexander Severus
  19. Maximinus Thrax (assasinated Alexander)
  20. Gordian
  21. Philip the Arabian
  22. Gallus
  23. Valerianus
  24. Gallienus son of Valerianus (who was captured)
  25. Claudius
  26. Aurelian
  27. Tacitus
  28. Florianus
  29. Probus
  30. Carus
  31. Carinus and Numerianus
  32. Diocletian (who abdicated the government)
  33. Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximinus are made Augusti and the empire was divided

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Maybe I was wrong about Coronavirus

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Maybe I was wrong about the Coronavirus
Plot: A review of mixed messages from God about whether this is real or not
Notes: God’s riddles reveal his timing. It is time to act when we solve them.

Listen to "Maybe I was wrong about Coronavirus.?." on Spreaker.

The good that came from the Coronavirus

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: The Good that Came from Coronavirus
Plot: A review of all the good things that have happened due to Coronavirus

Listen to "The Good that came from the Coronavirus [14 Mins]" on Spreaker.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020

Spiritual Warfare During Your Sleep Combo Package Volume 1 and 2 (Dream Warfare)

Author: Dr. Alisha Anderson
Title: Spiritual Warfare During Your Sleep Combo Package Volume 1 and 2 (Dream Warfare)
Plot: Reveals that our dreams have greater significance than we imagine
Notes: What happens at night can affect us during the day

Listen to "Spiritual Warfare During Your Sleep Vol 1 & 2" on Spreaker.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Destroying the Spirit of Rejection

Author: John Eckhardt
Title: Destroying the Spirit of Rejection
Plot: A Deliverance Book that Explores the Damage Done by Rejection
Notes: This is particularly useful for those who experienced trauma young

Listen to "Destroying the Spirit of Rejection" on Spreaker.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Beginning of Sorrows

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: The Beginning of Sorrows
Plot: Reviews what Jesus said about the Beginning of Sorrows
Notes: With a cursory examination of the three rapture theories

Listen to "The Beginning of Sorrows" on Spreaker.

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Don't Let Your Kids Kill You

Author:  Charles Rubin Title:  Don't Let Your Kids Kill You Plot:  How to navigate life as the parent of drug addicts Note:  Many u...