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Welcome! This page contains my five most recent podcasts. I created the page to ensure you could find the newest releases. 

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Author: Adam Fergusson
Title: When Money Dies
Plot: Sampler of the soundtracks I’ve made

Author: Jonathan Edwards
Title: Sinners in the hands of an angry God
Plot: A message of warning for those who haven’t received Christ
Notes: A rare cautionary tell told before the disaster actually strikes.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Encouragement for your darkest hour
Plot: Dark hours often mark our most important life moments

Listen to "Encouragement for your darkest hour" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Saving Dividend Chapter 4 - Hunter
Plot: We meet the guy who pushed Mary into the mineshaft
Notes: This chapter goes back in time two days before the incident

Listen to "Saving Dividend - Chapter 4 - Hunter" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Don’t listen to this one!
Plot: A podcast you shouldn’t listen to!

Listen to "Don't listen to this one!" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Aesop’s Fable - Listening can save your life
Plot: The Bat and the Weasels

Listen to "Aesop's Fables - Listening can save your life" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Simply Irresistible - Chapter 6
Plot: How to confront fear and send it packing!

Listen to "Simply Irresistible - Chapter 6" on Spreaker.

Author: Aesop's Fans
Title: Aesop's Fables
Plot: A collection of 77 Fables that have endured the test of time
Note: Aesop's fables were so well respected they were placed into this collection by his fans

Listen to "Aesop's Fables - Part 1" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Saving Dividend - Chapter 3
Plot: Don rushes Velma Corey to the hospital for sounding delirious

Listen to "Saving Dividend - chapter 3" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Simply Irresistible
Plot: A self improvement book designed to transform men — inevitably producing an object of desire.

Listen to "Simply Irresistible chapter 5" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom and Virginia Dare
Title: Saving Dividend - Chapter 2
Plot: Mary is still stuck in the bottom of the mineshaft
Notes: She tells us about herself, and leaves a message for her family

Listen to "Saving Dividend - Chapter 2" on Spreaker.

Author: Eusebius
Title: Ecclesiastical History of the Church - Part 12
Plot: Two scenarios where authorities are forbidden to accept offerings
Notes: There are also two scenarios of divine torment in this study

Listen to "Eusebius Ecclesiastical History of the church - Part 12" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Saving Dividend - Chapter 1
Plot: Mary Bate finds herself at the bottom of a mineshaft with a broken leg
Notes: From the draft of my book called Saving Dividend

Listen to "Saving Dividend - Chapter One" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Corona Busted! It’s a hoax folks!
Plot: A Simple self-evident proof that this was all an elaborate lie!

Listen to "Corona Busted! - It's a hoax folks! [7 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Ecclesiastical History of the Church Part 11
Plot: The history of the Christian church from Christ ~0 to ~335 AD

Jump to part 1 See Full Series

Listen to "The Ecclesiastical History of the Church - Part 11" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: The Good that Came from Coronavirus
Plot: A review of all the good things that have happened due to Coronavirus
Notes: Scheduled release is on 4/16

Listen to "The Good that came from the Coronavirus [14 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: How Bible Symbolism makes the story of the Crucifixion even better!
Plot: I believe creation shared a heart attack with our creator

Listen to "How Bible Symbolism makes the story of the Crucifixion even better! [14 mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Maybe I was wrong about the Coronavirus
Plot: A review of mixed messages from God about whether this is real or not
Notes: God’s riddles reveal his timing. It is time to act when we solve them.

Listen to "Maybe I was wrong about Coronavirus.?." on Spreaker.

Author: John Eckhardt
Title: Destroying the Spirit of Rejection
Plot: A Deliverance Book that Explores the Damage Done by Rejection
Notes: This is particularly useful for those who experienced trauma young

Listen to "Destroying the Spirit of Rejection" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: The Beginning of Sorrows
Plot: Reviews what Jesus said about the Beginning of Sorrows
Notes: With a cursory examination of the three rapture theories

Listen to "The Beginning of Sorrows" on Spreaker.

Author: Dr. Alisha Anderson
Title: Spiritual Warfare During Your Sleep Combo Package Volume 1 and 2 (Dream Warfare)
Plot: Reveals that our dreams have greater significance than we imagine
Notes: What happens at night can affect us during the day

Listen to "Spiritual Warfare During Your Sleep Vol 1 & 2" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Is the Coronavirus Cover for the Rapture?
Plot: Exploring the possibility the Coronavirus is an elaborate cover for the rapture
Notes: Turns out only one thing must happen first!

Listen to "Is the Coronavirus Cover for the Rapture?" on Spreaker.

Author: Tom Freedom
Title: Thank you Intercessory Prayer Warriors!
Plot: A collection of stories combined to reveal the importance of this ministry

Listen to "Thank you Intercessory Prayer Warriors" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Night Wars
Plot: Christians can be engaged in Spiritual Warfare at night
Notes: We must also fight in our dreams!

Listen to "Facing Your Demons in Night Wars [32 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Are these the last days?
Plot: Kicks off my new podcast series on the last days
Notes: This episode addresses the practical questions where do I go and what do I buy?

Listen to "Are these the last days?" on Spreaker.
Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Saving Dividend - Chapter 1
Plot: Mary Bate finds herself at the bottom of a mineshaft with a broken leg
Notes: From the draft of my book called Saving Dividend

Listen to "Saving Dividend - Chapter 1 - My Death" on Spreaker.

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