Thursday, January 30, 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Angels and Demons Part 1

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Angels and Demons Part 1
Plot: This podcast explains the properties of angels and demons using Scripture
Note: Apart from being fascinating it brings incredible clarity to an otherwise convoluted topic.

Listen to "Angels and Demons - Part 1 [15 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Best of the Book Matrix

Tom's Favorites  (Top 5 in no particular order)

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Night Wars
Plot: Christians can be engaged in Spiritual Warfare at night
Notes: We must also take control of our dreams!

Listen to "Night Wars [30 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: The Miracle in the Scarlet Car
Plot: Tom comes under God’s protection when he drives into oncoming traffic

Listen to "The Miracle in the Scarlet Car [16 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Leroy and Earl Show
Title: Sea 2 Sea
Plot: Dawn Jones rides her bike across America
Notes: This is episode is from a live show!

Listen to "Tom Goes on The Leroy & Earl Show! [45 mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: Eusebius
Title: Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History
Plot: Eusebius is known as the father of church history
Note: There is a hilarious illustration about 5 mins in

Listen to "Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Part 9 [26 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: G. Edward Griffin
Title: The Creature from Jekyll Island
Plot: An expose on the men who crafted the Federal Reserve in order to aggregate wealth into the hands of the few

Listen to "The Creature from Jekyll Island [27 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Due to the complex nature of his book, I have included a link to his website to enable you to followup with him yourself -> Be advised, we are not affiliated in any way.

Author: Moses
Title: Genesis 1-3
Plot: The history of Adam and Eve and its implications on the nature of husband and wife relations particularly as soulmates
Note: I guarantee you've never heard it explained like this!

Listen to "The Bible on Soulmates [31 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix Title: The Christmas Miracle
Plot: My quest for understanding and working miracles
Note: A collection of parables working together to conclusion

Listen to "The Christmas Miracle [17 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Top 5 Most Downloaded Podcasts (by popularity in descending order)

Author: Adi Shankara
Title: Baghavad Gita
Plot: 2-For-1, This is the Hari Krishna's primary religious text, but only one of many of the Hindu's. Krishna is viewed as the Supreme God and he is talking to Arjuna (a prince) about the moral question of whether it's okay to kill our friends and countrymen in civil war.
Note: For researcher types who want a deep study there are four parts. Part 4 is the most interesting summary. While Part 1 is also a good summary (though not as entertaining). 

Listen to "Baghavad Gita holy book of the Hindus - Part 1 [22 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: Lao Tzu
Title: Tao Te Ching
Plot: A 4-for-1. This holy book is the basis of Taoism. It's also a foundational study for Buddhism, Confusionism, Chinese legalism and even Chinese philosophy. 
Note: This is one of my most popular podcasts

Listen to "Tao Te Ching the holy book of Taoism and Buddhism by Lao Tzu - [44 mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: Eusebius
Title: Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Part 5
Plot: Most Christians have heard Peter was crucified upside down, but do you know how you know? Because of Eusebius! The man who in 300 AD collected all the writings from the time of Christ to his day, organizing them, assessing their authenticity, and making a history. His work earned him the title, the father of church history!

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 5 [28 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Author: The Book Matrix
Title: Today Only! A Grateful Shout Out to My Listeners
Plot: My funny way of saying thanks!
Note: I bet you didn't know I spoke so many languages

Listen to "Today Only! A grateful shout out to my listeners" on Spreaker.

Author: Simon Sinek
Title: Start With Why
Plot: Simon explains why some companies thrive despite market conditions while others fail
Note: This is an excellent book and one of my most popular podcasts

Listen to "Start With Why by Simon Sinek [11 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Best Messages Ever

In some respects this page is as much for me as it is for you. 

Sometimes the best way to lift our spirits is to re-listen to the thing that lifted them the first time. So I tend to collect a list of uplifting messages to get me through the rough spots.

I should note that when a pastor falls (or so they say), I do not repent of having heard or liked their messages as if they are scum. We can learn from anyone, particularly those who made mistakes. A "fallen pastor" is an indication he was under attack and turned out to be human (like me). And since I like humans you might find a list of messages from sinners like me on this list. If that bothers you... I don't care.

This page is dedicated to those who have influenced me over the years. As I stumble across links to great/uplifting messages that truly stand out, I will include them here.

Joel Osteen's messages called:
Covered by Mercy. 
In the Middle of a Miracle

Though I can't directly link you to them, you can go to his website and search for it by name. 

Tony Robbins message called After This You'll Change How You Do Everything! - Tony Robbins

Animals are jerks

Note: the emptiness of this list is only because it's so new. 

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Author: G. Edward Griffin
Title: The Creature from Jekyll Island
Plot: An expose on the men who crafted the Federal Reserve in order to aggregate wealth into the hands of the few

Listen to "The Creature from Jekyll Island [27 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Due to the complex nature of his book, I have included a link to his website to enable you to followup with him yourself -> Be advised, we are not affiliated in any way.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Eusebius' Ecclesiastical Hisory

Author: Eusebius
Title: Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History
Plot: The history of the Christian church from Christ ~0 to ~335 AD

There are three easy ways to do this study:

  1. Click the play button starting with part 1 on the audio players below (note: if you'd prefer, you can also listen to them on Apple or Google)
  2. You can get text for the whole series by clicking here or
  3. You can use this table to as a quick guide to find something specific

Eusebius is the reason Christians know that Peter was crucified upside down. He is the man who collected all the writings from the time of Christ to his day, organizing them, assessing their authenticity, and building them into a history. His work earned him the title, the father of church history! 

The podcasts below summarize and modernize his work with the goal to make it an interesting and even an exciting and sometimes humorous study.

Beneath these podcasts are links to resources compiled from his work; tables of Roman emperors, apostles, the 70, heresies, cult leaders and more. Because I favor ancient sources over Internet ones, these tables were produced by studying his book.

Listen to "Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Part 1 [19 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Part 2 [21 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 3 [15 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 4 [20 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 5 [28 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 6 [20 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 7 [20 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 8 [31 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History Part 9 [26 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History Part 10 [31 Mins]" on Spreaker.

Listen to "The Ecclesiastical History of the Church - Part 11" on Spreaker.
Listen to "Eusebius Ecclesiastical History of the church - Part 12" on Spreaker.

For Complete lists of: 
  1. Ancient Writers of Good Reputation
  2. The Apostles
  3. Assessment of the Cannon of Scripture
  4. Heretical Refutations
  5. Heretics and Heretical Writings
  6. The Succession of Bishops
This is my review on Goodreads

Ecclesiastical History, Vol 1: Books 1-5Ecclesiastical History, Vol 1: Books 1-5 by Eusebius
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I gave this book five stars for content, but I confess it's a difficult read at times. The language is antiquated, Eusebius made assumptions about what we would know (meaning at times understanding his writing requires context he didn't include). To help, I did a summary podcast series on this 450 page whopper.

View all my reviews

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